Sauce Tunnel

Start Sauce Tunnel programmatically

⚡️ Sauce Tunnel

Start Sauce Tunnel thru Codeceptjs-Sauce-Connect Tool
 npx codeceptjs-sauce-connect -u <sauce-username> -k <sauce-accesskey>

To look for more options,

npx codeceptjs-sauce-connect --help

To start Sauce Tunnel with specific Tunnel Name pass -n <tunnel-name> (default: codeceptjs-sauce-tunnel)

npx codeceptjs-sauce-connect -u <saucelabs-username> -k <saucelabs-access-key> -n <saucelabs-tunnel-name>

Connect your Codecept tests with existing active tunnel,

To connect to exiting Parent Tunnel, pass the env variable SAUCE_PARENT_TUNNEL=<owner_value_from_sauce_tunnels_page>

SAUCE_PARENT_TUNNEL=<owner_value_from_sauce_tunnels_page> yarn acceptance --profile sauce:<options>

To connect to existing Tunnel (running from the same account), pass the env variable SAUCE_TUNNEL_NAME=<tunnel-name>

SAUCE_TUNNEL_NAME=<your-tunnel-name> yarn acceptance --profile sauce:<options>

For more info, take a look at

Run Parallel on Multiple BrowsersSauce Labs