Automate Your First Scenario
4 steps to automateIt very simple to start automating your first Codeceptjs-BDD Scenario. You can follow the Sample examples defined in the create-codeceptjs-bdd-tests framework.
🚀 Quick Start
Create Codeceptjs-BDD Test for your Application Under Test. This is one time step,
$ npx create-codecpetjs-bdd-tests
🧩 4 Steps to Automate your App
- Write a Feature
- Implement Steps
- Implement Page Object
- Assert your application
And Launch HTML Report
Let's automate the Add to Cart scenario for the Shopping App.
Step 1: Writing Feature File
First, start writing Feature Files. Please checkout the Beginners Mistakes to avoid mistakes.
Feature Files should be placed under features
directory or sub-directories.
// features/add_to_cart.feature
Scenario: John can add shoes to shopping cart
Given John searches for the "red pump" shoes from home page
When he adds "2" shoes to the cart
Then the cart has "2" pairs of "red pump" shoes
Step 2: Implement Steps
Steps should be placed under steps
directory or sub-directories. All the Steps files should be named <name>.steps.js
// steps/add_to_cart.steps.js
const {I, shoppingHomePage, productPage, cartPage} = inject();
Given(/John searches for the {string} shoes from home page/, (searchFor) => {;
When(/he adds {string} shoes to the cart/, (quantity) => {
When(/the cart has {string} pairs of {string} shoes/, (quantity, productTitle) => {
(await cartPage.grabProductTitle()).trim().should.equal(productTitle);
(await cartPage.grabQuantity()).should.equal(quantity);
The above steps.js assumes, the Navigation is handled in the hooks.steps.js file, as described in the example
Step 3: Implement Page Object
Page Objects should be placed under pages
directory, and should follow the naming convention <pagename>.page.js
// pages/
const {I} = inject();
class ShoppingHomePage {
constructor() {
this.locators: {
searchBox: '[data-automation="searchBar"]'
search(searchFor) {
I.fillField(I.grabCss(this.locators.searchBox), searchFor);
module.exports = new ShoppingHomePage();
Step 4: Assert your application
Codeceptjs-BDD supports should.js library to verify assertions.
(await cartPage.grabQuantity()).should.equal(quantity);
Step 5: Launch HTML Acceptance Report
Codeceptjs-BDD integrates the Allure HTML Reporting.
yarn acceptance:report
💯 Done. Follow the Setup your Test Environment Variables & Execution instructions to execute your first scenario.
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