Page Objects

Modularize your Automation with Page Object Classes

A Page Object is defined as a class or piece of code that holds all the information about significant elements on a particular page or part of a page in a web-based application. The role of Page Objects is to help developers and testers divide a complex UI into manageable chunks, and separate the test logic from the webdriver logic in order to quickly create a more readable test. Page Objects contain a mixture of locators — functions taking a selector and returning a WebElement — for various elements on the web page, such as text fields, buttons, dropdown menus, and more, as well as custom methods to interact with those elements.

Page Objects contains all the Browser Interactions. It has become a standard for UI Automation. Page Objects contains the common locators and all the related actions related to the Page, and is sharable. The Reusability of Page Objects reduces the redundant code and increases maintainability.

💡 Example of Page Object

// pages/

const { I } = inject();

class AccountPage {
  locators = {
    firstName: '[data-automation="first-name"]',
    lastName: '[data-automation="last-name"]',
    // more locators of the page

  createProfile(profile) {
    I.fillField(this.locators.firstName, profile.firstName);
    I.fillField(this.locators.lastName, profile.lastName);
    // more methods required to fill the profile

  // more actions of the page

module.exports = new AccountPage();

🧩 Use of Page Object

Page Object is mainly used in Step Definitions to create your test flow.

// steps/account.steps.js

const { accountPage } = inject();
const { profile } = require('../data');

When('Fred creates his profile', async () => {

Page Actions

Page Object in Codeceptjs-BDD contains the actions for the page. They can be either performing actions on the Page or retrieving information from the Page, e.g. get Text or get state of element, for the assertions.

module.exports = {

    locators: {

    // login
    login(username, password) {
        I.fillField(I.grabCss(this.locators.usernameField), username);
        I.fillField(I.grabCss(this.locators.passwordField), password);;

    // retrieve login button text
    async getLoginButtonText() {
        return await I.grabTextFrom(I.grabCss(this.locators.loginButton));

Load Page Objects from other directories

// codecept.conf.js
const { pageObjects } = require('codeceptjs-configure');

   include: {
        ...pageObjects({ from: 'path-to-other-page-objects' }), //  ...pageObjects({ from: 'src/e2e/flows/**/*.flow.ts' }),

More about Page Objects
