
Filter Tags to run Scenarios


Tags are a great way to organize your features and scenarios. Cucumber features and scenarios can contain Tags marked with @. Tags can be used to run Subset of Scenarios.

    Feature: Checkout Cart

        Scenario: Fred check out the item as a guest user
            Given hello

        Scenario: More other checkouts
            Given hello

A feature or scenario can have as many tags as you like. Separate them with spaces:

   @checkout @checkout_guest @checkout_registered
    Feature: Checkout Cart

Tags can be placed above the following Gherkin elements:

  • Feature
  • Scenario
  • Scenario Outline
  • Examples

πŸŒ€ Running a subset of scenarios

Run subset of tags through command line parameter: --grep <@tag>.

Below command runs tests tagged with @mytesttag on default browser

    $ yarn acceptance --grep @my_test_tag

πŸŒ€ Exclude or Include certain types of Tags

Use regex for more flexible filtering:

  • --grep '(?=.@smoke2)(?=.@smoke3)' - run tests with @smoke2 and @smoke3 in name
  • --grep "@smoke2|@smoke3" - run tests with @smoke2 or @smoke3 in name
  • --grep '((?=.@smoke2)(?=.@smoke3))|@smoke4' - run tests with (@smoke2 and @smoke3) or @smoke4 in name
  • --grep '(?=.@smoke2)^(?!.@smoke3)' - run tests with @smoke2 but without @smoke3 in name
  • --grep '(?=.)^(?!.@smoke4)' - run all tests except @smoke4

More information is available on codecept.io

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