Intercept Request

monitor or manipulate the requests/response

When we browse the web, a series of HTTP requests and responses are exchanged between our browser and the pages we are visiting. There are scenarios in which it is useful to monitor or manipulate this traffic, instead of letting it happen as-is.

Request interception (Headless or non-headless)

The example is available here -

To run,

// Install
git clone
cd codeceptjs-bdd/packages/create-codeceptjs-bdd-tests

// Run, non-Headless
yarn acceptance --profile playwright:chrome --grep @intercept

// Run, Headless
HEADLESS=true yarn acceptance --profile playwright:chrome --grep @intercept

Example Scenario

Scenario('Fred intercept request for playwright @intercept', async ({ I }) => {
  if (await I.checkIfRunningOnPlaywright()) {
    // Set Mock Data
    const mockResponseObject = [
        id: 1,
        title: 'How to Intercept a Response in Playwright',
        author: 'CodeceptBDD',
        genre: 'business',
        price: '100.00',
        rating: '★★★★★',
        stock: 65535,

    // Intercept Request
    I.usePlaywrightTo('do intercept', async ({ page }) => {
      await page.route(
        (route) =>
            contentType: 'application/json',
            body: JSON.stringify(mockResponseObject),

    // Validate
    I.seeTextEquals('How to Intercept a Response in Playwright', {
      css: '.preview-title',
    I.seeTextEquals('CodeceptBDD', { css: '.preview-author' });

Run on Mobile & DesktopE2E Automation of Webcomponents