Run in Parallel

Execute scenarios Parallel on Multi Browsers on Sauce Labs Cloud Platform

🌀 Run Scenarios in Parallel

Codeceptjs-BDD can run all your Feature files in Parallel. You can choose to run Parallel on either Sauce Labs or Locally installed browsers. Please note, Codeceptjs-BDD does not support running all Scenarios on Parallel but only Feature Files in parallel.

🎥 Watch in Action

How to run all features in Parallel?

Codeceptjs-BDD implements the scripts and commands to run all Feature files in Parallel. You can choose the browser to run by passing through --profile command.

    $ yarn acceptance:parallel

💻 Run in Parallel on Locally installed Browsers

Below command will run all Feature files in Parallel locally on Firefox Browser

    $ yarn acceptance:parallel --profile firefox

You can choose subset of scenarios to run in Parallel,

    $ yarn acceptance:parallel --profile firefox --grep @login

⚡️ Run in Parallel on Sauce Labs Cloud Platform

Below command will run all Feature files in Parallel on Sauce Labs' Chrome browser

    $ yarn acceptance:parallel --profile sauce:chrome

Run LocallyRun Parallel on Multiple Browsers