Configure your CodeceptJS testscodecept.conf.js
is the main Configuration file. It merges the Master configurations from codeceptjs-configure module where all the main configurations are maintained, leaving users to not to populate and worry about the maintainance of test configurations within App's source code repository. The Framework provides it to all the users.
It is present in your app's root directory. This is the same directory as the tests directory. The directory to which you provided the path to when asked by the cli.
codecept.conf contains the Codeceptjs Configurations only, such as name, REST API Configurations, Helpers etc. Any test related configurations are maintained in environment variables, mentioned below.
Read Maintain Test Environment Variables for more info on maintaining test properties with Codeceptjs-BDD.
Run on Chrome Headless
yarn ui:test --profile chrome:headless
Run on Chrome
yarn ui:test --profile chrome
Run on Firefox
yarn ui:test --profile firefox
Run on Safari
yarn ui:test --profile safari
The default Configuration of Codeceptjs-BDD will "maximize" the browser window automatically. You can disable this feature through env variable WINDOW_SIZE = false
. You can put this variable in the
or codecept.env
Default Behavior: The framework takes screenshots on each Failed Step and attaches to the Report.
Page by Page Auto Screenshots
Default: Off
However, you can also enable Page by Page Screenshots. It is turned off by default. To Enable the feature, provide an environment variable,
All the screenshots will be attached to the Allure Report. Please make sure to provide output
value in the Config as shown here
The Preview of Screenshots can be attached to the report. It will be available to the report dir as records.html
You can put this value to the codecept.env
file to have it enable for every run otherwise just pass as a Command Line argument.
HTML Reports
This framework uses Allure Reporting.
Clean Reports on each run
Add below bootstrap
function in the codecept.conf.js
// in codecept.conf.js
const { cleanReports } = require('codeceptjs-configure');
const conf = {
// ...
bootstrap: callback =>
cleanReports({ path: REPORT_OUTPUT_DIR, relativePath: '/', callback }),
Collect Reports automatically
The reports get cleaned on each run. There could be such requirements to collect reports as a backup. To do so, add below teardown
to the codecept.conf.js
Report Collector options:{reportOutputDir: string, destinationDir: string, shouldGenerateLauncher: boolean}
shouldGenerateLauncher: this option will generate the Single Click Static (-like) Allure Report Launcher
// in codecept.conf.js
const { reportCollector } = require('codeceptjs-configure');
const conf = {
// ...
async teardown() {
reportCollector({ reportOutputDir: REPORT_OUTPUT_DIR });
The backup directory structure will be: <path-to-tests-folder>/MMM_DD_YYYY/MMM_DD_YYYY___HH:MM:SS_TT
, e.g. <path-to-tests-folder>/March_21_2021/Mar_12_2021___12-32-05_AM
Print Repository Info
default: 🌏 [repository]
custom: add repository
info to the codecept.conf.js
file, and the console will print the repository.
// codecept.conf.js
const conf = {
repository: 'https:.//my.internal.repository',
Re-try Failed Scenarios: BDD or Mocha
To Retry Failed Scenario, enable the below plugin in the codecept.conf.js
retries: number of retries for each failed scenario
plugins: {
retryFailedTests: {
require: 'codeceptjs-configure/plugins/retry-failed-tests.plugin.js',
enabled: true,
retries: 1
Test Environment VariablesIntegration Tests - Mocha