Docker & Jenkins CI

Docker Image to run your Codeceptjs-BDD Tests in Jenkins CI

Codeceptjs-BDD is packed into the Docker Container that provides required images and commands to run your BDD Scenarios in Jenkins CI.

Docker Image

Available Docker Image: gkushang/codeceptjs-e2e


Codeceptjs-BDD can run on Sauce Labs through your Jenkins CI. Sauce Labs can provide wider range of Browser Coverage through your CI jobs.

How can I create Jenkinsfile?

Jenkinsfile uses the docker image gkushang/codeceptjs-e2e to run your tests on Sauce Labs. Below is the sample Jenkinsfile Script to run your Codeceptjs-BDD test suite.

The Script assumes you will have following Jenkins Build Parameters,

  • HOST: host of your running app
  • BROWSER: choice parameter for Browser selection
 * Run Codeceptjs-BDD Acceptance tests
def void runCodeceptjsBDD_AcceptanceTests() {
     // Get docker command
    String command = dockerCommand()

    // Run docker command
    sh "docker run --rm " +
        "-e HOST -e SAUCE_KEY -e SAUCE_USERNAME" +
        " -v ${env.WORKSPACE}/:/acceptance " +
        "gkushang/codeceptjs-e2e yarn && codeceptjs run --debug ${command}"

def String dockerCommand() {
    String command = ''

    if (BROWSER) {
        command = command + ' --profile sauce:' + BROWSER
    } else {
        command = command + ' --profile sauce:chrome'

    return command

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